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Odyssey College is governed by the Odyssey House NSW Board, a not-for-profit registered Australian public company limited by guarantee. The Principal reports to the School Advisory Committee which is a sub-committee of the Odyssey House NSW (OHNSW) Board and accountable under Corporations Law. The Chair of the School Advisory Committee is a member of the OHNSW Board which ensures responsible financial management and governance.
Sound governance principles and practices guide the School Advisory Committee and OHNSW Board in their decision making.
The School Advisory Committee is a formal committee of Odyssey House NSW Board. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling the school oversight responsibilities of the Board, determining education needs of the of Odyssey House NSW. The Committee monitors school performance, and advises the Board in regard to:
- Monitoring and reviewing adequacy and effectiveness of risk management processes and internal controls
- Ensuring that decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard to the best interests of the students and the Therapeutic Community
- Enhancing the educational opportunities of the students
- Assisting in the efficient governance of the School including monitoring compliance with relevant statutory authorities and
- The Committee may consider issues and recommendations relating to school financial performance or questions regarding use of funds that relate to the school however amounts that are outside management delegation will be referred to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
Our current Board members offer diverse professional skills and backgrounds. All Board members serve in a voluntary capacity and are bound by a code of conduct. No Board member receives a financial or other benefit from the College.